
Remove /posts/ and /pages/ directories from permalinks
Tag links + Slim version
Tag archive
Dynamic templating for links and posts
Author global data
Post footnote meta (tags with links to archives, source, h/t, author)
404 Page
Navigation objects set
Sort tag archive by frequency or alphabetically
Mobile navigation
Index pagination
Implement drafts
Port drafted articles
Author archives (add all author data)
Port Mixtapes page and repoint nav item to it
Decide on long-term permalinks. /blog/ vs /MM/DD/
Link to author archives from articles
RSS for posts
RSS for links
RSS for individual tags
RSS for authors
Second Column
Social Images (default set in layout)
Dark Mode / Toggle
Themes (holiday, summer, etc.)
Hattip global data ? (maybe archives with counts for most frequent referrers)
Footnotes / Bigfoot
Complete archive page, broken down by year/month
Slim homepage
Discographies Archive?


In Progress
Priority (Due by October 1, 2024)
Not Started